Application Instructions
NitroShield is designed and formulated for professional use. It is not available to the general public or for retail sale. NitroShield is sold and originally installed exclusively via our network of new car dealers and other approved professional automotive service businesses. The following instructions are intended, primarily, for their reference.
If your NitroShield dealer has provided you with the remains of the Tire Service Kit that was used to treat your vehicle's tires, a small box marked accordingly and containing two small bottles: one each of NitroShield Base Coat and NitroShield Finish Coat, we recommend that you return to them for reapplication should your tires' NitroShield finish suffer "curb rash" or require a "refresh." Should you elect to perform these minor reapplications yourself, please scroll down to the" Additional Notes and Tips" section of the below Instructions, reading all and performing each step carefully and completely.
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Important Application Instructions
Attention: Proper tire preparation and product application are essential to ensure optimum appearance and performance. Failure to adequately clean and prepare any tires, as well as improper product application, will adversely affect product performance and longevity. Please perform the following steps very carefully and completely:
- All tires must be thoroughly cleaned, per the below instructions, regardless of age. Used tires will require more time and attention.
- Please read all instructions before beginning treatment.
NitroShield Tire Prep and Cleaner:
- Pre-rinse tire and wheel with water, to both dampen tire and prevent Tire Prep and Cleaner from contacting a dry wheel.
- Spray a "mist" of Tire Prep and Cleaner onto the damp tire.
- Scrub tire vigorously and completely using a stiff bristle brush, working the Tire Prep and Cleaner into a lather.
- Thoroughly rinse tire and scrub brush with water.
- Spray another mist of Tire Prep and Cleaner onto tire and scrub tire again, thoroughly, until all lather or "suds" are completely white.
- Rinse tire completely.
- Rinse scrub brush for future use.
- Allow tire to dry completely before applying NitroShield protectant.

NOTE: Compressed air and an air-blower can be used to speed tire drying time.
NitroShield Base Coat:
- Ensure tire is completely clean and dry.
- Wear rubber gloves.
- Shake bottle of NitroShield Base Coat before using.
- Apply a small amount of NitroShield Base Coat onto a NitroShield Applicator Sponge, reapplying to sponge as needed. Beware that a little goes a long way. If this is your first time applying NitroShield, "shake" just a few drops on the Applicator Sponge and spread on and around the first tire to gain a feel for how little product is needed.
- Using Applicator Sponge, apply NitroShield Base Coat to tire in a circular motion around the circumference of the tire. Spread product evenly around tire, working the Base Coat into the crevasses and details of the tire as needed for complete coverage.
- Inspect tire to ensure any runs are smoothed out.
- Wipe any Base Coat residue off of wheels.
- Roll vehicle forward or backwards to enable you to treat the "flat" area of the tire.
- Allow tires to dry to touch before applying Finish Coat.

NOTE: NitroShield Base Coat contains black pigment that is a stain hazard. Use with care. Do not apply to whitewalls or raised white letters. For white rubber, use only NitroShield Finish Coat.
NitroShield Finish Coat:
- Ensure Base Coat is dry.
- Wear rubber gloves.
- Shake bottle of NitroShield Finish Coat before using.
- Apply a small amount of NitroShield Finish Coat onto a NitroShield Applicator Sponge, reapplying to sponge as needed.
- Using Applicator Sponge, apply NitroShield Finish Coat to tire in a circular motion around the circumference of the tire. Spread product evenly around tire, working the Finish Coat into the crevasses and details of the tire as needed for complete coverage.
- Inspect tire to ensure any runs are smoothed out.
- Wipe any Finish Coat residue off of wheels.
- Roll vehicle forward or backwards to enable you to treat the "flat" area of the tire.
- Allow tires to dry, then apply second coat of NitroShield Finish Coat.
NOTE: Tires treated with NitroShield for the first time will require one coat of Base Coat and two coats of Finish Coat. Additional coats may be applied if a greater gloss finish is desired.
- Allow tires to dry to touch (about 15 minutes) before driving vehicle. NitroShield is completely cured within 24-48 hours. Avoid water to extent possible for first 24 hours.
- After tires are dry, rinse and clean Applicator Sponge with water. Allow to dry and store for future use.
Additional Notes and Tips:
- Once applied and cured, treated tires should be cleaned with mild soap and water or water only. While not recommended, NitroShield will withstand repeated pressure washings.
- For occasional "refreshes" and/or to restore a "wet" look, simply apply one coat of Finish Coat to clean, dry tire following the above Instructions section marked NitroShield Finish Coat.
- To repair "curb rash" or other blemishes: clean and dry tire then apply one or more coats of Base Coat to the affected area following the above Instructions section marked NitroShield Base Coat. Allow Base Coat to dry and then apply one coat of Finish Coat, following the above Instructions section marked NitroShield Finish Coat, to the entire tire to complete the repair.
- Do not apply NitroShield Base Coat or Finish Coat to hot tires, dirty tires, in direct sunlight or in temperatures below 50 F.
Professional Installer Video
CAUTION: Eye and Skin Irritant!
Eyes: Flush with clean water and contact physician
Skin: Wash affected area with soap and water
Additional Product Warnings:

Keep from freezing

Keep out of reach
of children